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Welcome to ET CLOTHING!

My name is Errol Taylor (E.T). ET Clothing is my brand that I started with hopes to  make clothes to fit your everyday mood. I feel as though, sometimes in life we struggle with feeling misunderstood and we have a hard time expressing ourselves. My goal is to make clothes that can express how you feel when you can't find the words to! 

whether its good, bad, or somewhere in-between, The clothes that I make are meant for the everyday person to be able to express their emotions and how they feel through what they wear. My brand is meant to take the meaning of the phrase "wear your heart on your sleeve" literally. As I take my journey throughout life I constantly take my different feelings, emotions, and adversities and express them throughout my clothing. 


I encourage you all, to enjoy every moment of your life's journey. I know that sometimes life can be a challenge, but it is best to embrace the good and the bad, and never be scared to Stand Out, Be Different, Be Your Self, and most importantly


"Don't be afraid to wear your feelings!"

it is what make you who you are, and exactly who you are meant to be


-Errol Taylor (E.T.)

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